For all of us seniors, our high school years have been quite the rollercoaster ride. Our freshman year was cut short due to COVID, sophomore year was half virtual, but thankfully junior and senior year have been pretty normal. I asked seniors to share some of their favorite memories from each year.
Some of the freshman year highlights included acting class and theater productions, the “break” with virtual school, and quarantine.
For me, my favorite part of the year was my first marching band season. It introduced me to so many of my amazing friends and was easily the best experience of my high school career overall.
Sophomore year was the year of virtual and hybrid school, which was a very popular response. But on the flip side, there were a few people that were happy to come back to school full-time, like me. Some other highlights included the production of Mama Mia, JV baseball, and spring track.
My sophomore year for me was pretty strange due to the half-virtual schedule, as I struggled with virtual learning. But, I did have really fun classes as a sophomore, as I took stagecraft for the first time. I enjoyed getting to work behind the scenes for our production of Mama Mia, and it taught me a lot about how theater works behind the scenes.
Junior year was our first one that was finally some kind of normal. We were back to being in the classroom full-time and did not have to wear masks anymore. Highlights of the year included winning a state championship in football, the NHS volleyball tournament, our production of Hairspray, and prom.
I know that I mentioned band as my freshman year memory, but my junior year season was so special. It was our first season back from the weirdness that was sophomore year. We weren’t able to travel at all, so that meant no away football games and no competitions. Junior year meant finally getting back to all that. It felt so great to get to go to other places, meet people in other bands, and get to perform our show for large audiences to enjoy.
While our senior year has not fully come to an end yet, there still were so many amazing memories. Highlights of the year so far include Friday night football games and beating Manasquan, the Be On Point days, our production of Shrek, getting into college, and getting to spend time with friends. Some things that we are looking forward to include the senior picnic, skip day, ball, and graduation.
Honestly, senior year was so much fun. I had so many amazing moments with my friends whether it was with the band, during lunch, or outside of school. I can not believe that the time has come to graduate, but I know I’ll always have all the photos on my camera roll, and I’ll hold all the memories so close.