The Time Of My Life
The ground rattled as campers littered the earth with their footprints
like a stampede of horses, making their way to the wooden stage.
Our idolized camp director’s voice reverberated off the trees through the speakers.
Light cascaded through the viridescent leaves decorating the trees, I had to embrace maturity.
All the campers squared off into their respective regions anticipating the final dismissal.
The scent of chlorine was rapidly overshadowed by the aroma of salty tears
sprouting from my eyes and cascading down my face, I didn’t want to cry.
My friends’ eyes conveyed more than any declaration could, I had to embrace maturity.
Luminous hues whirled around my vision like the ambers of a blaze.
The colors embellished the celebration attire in neatly woven patterns.
The buses engines revved in the background, signalling that they were ready to take us home.
We engulfed each other in a tight embrace before going our separate ways, I had to embrace maturity.
As my black sneakers broke earth, I left behind the wooden stage and with it my friends.
I walked off the campus and in my wake, my childhood stayed behind with it.
My memories clung to my back like water down a stream, refusing to let go.
Memories that inspired change, I had embraced maturity.