‘Tis the Season of Giving
As the holiday season approaches, everyone looks to find ways to give back. This year, Point Boro High School has helped to find a solution for this by hosting their annual giving tree through December 3rd. The donations from the giving tree go directly to St. Gregory’s Food Pantry. Participating is as simple as choosing a paper ornament off of the tree. You can select whether you would like to buy for a girl or boy and also pick their age.
St. Gregory helps people in need and who may be struggling with certain things. The pantry serves about 50 families per week, which is an amazing number. If you decide to participate with a donation, please bring the ornament and unwrapped gift to guidance or the main office by December 3, 2019. It takes very little effort to participate in this donation but has a very rewarding out come!

Grade level
Hobbies outside of school
I like reading and listening to music and also hanging out with my friends.
Areas that I am...