Grammy’s and Oscars Go Downhill
If you don’t know about the Grammys and the Oscars then you’ve probably been living under a rock. Some would even call them the shows of the year. This is when celebrities come together and celebrate their artistry, hoping they receive an award. At the Grammys and the Oscars, There are awards for different categories including actors, singers, new artist, record, rap album and more. The celebrities hand off awards to each other. While they sit at the nicely done tables the fans watch from their TVs, edging on their seats.
The problem is that in recent years they both have declined in views. While some may think it’s because people are getting bored of the same shows every year it might havemore to do with people starting to believe the Grammys and Oscars are rigged.
As the years have passed, fans have been analyzing the people that win each year. Tiktok has played a huge factor in saying the Grammys and Oscars are rigged. Many Tik Tok users have been posting about it especially after this year. Most likely because Olivia Rodrigo, a new and viral singer, won three awards. Although she earned her awards were other people who also deserved the awards she received. Many are finding it odd that celebrities with famous characters and several performances aren’t receiving awards they should be expecting. This includes Leonardo Dipcaprio, who excelled througouthis acting career and should have been given an award a lot earlier than when he finally did. It took 19 years for Leonardo to receive an award and fans knew it wasn’t right because he was an outstanding actor. He finally won ONE oscar after years of people routing for him.
Tiktok users have also gone as far as to post videos saying other celebrities know the shows are rigged, but continue to stay quiet. More people are becoming aware about the possibilities that the shows are rigged and it’s creating confusion. It’s also making people want answers. Unfortunately, not much is known whether or not these accusations are true.

My name is Ava and I’m a sophomore at Point Borough High School. I am involved with basketball and Italian club. I joined Journalism because I enjoy...