Backpack Ban

Next week, two new ordinances will come into effect that would extend the nighttime curfew to encompass the entire city for individuals who are 17 years old or younger. Cape May Mayor Leonard Desiderio stated that the police are not interested in bothering either the residents or hundreds of visitors who come to Cape May each summer. This tool was designed to be used by the police in the event that they need to maintain peace and prevent large crowds from gathering.
Additionally, two warnings will be given and then followed by a fine starting at $25 for all those who carry a bag larger than 8 by 6 by 8 inches. An exception is held for medical devices, and equipment for journalists, fishermen, and police, with the city opting to prohibit backpacks after 10 pm. Cops mentioned that if it appears the individual is headed home and doing nothing wrong then they won’t stop you.
“Both these ordinances are very, very benign…We do not want to give anyone a record. We’re not looking for any problems. We’re not going to harass anyone. This is just a tool that the police have. We hope we don’t have to use it,” Mayor Leonard Desiderio said over the phone on Friday May 12th.
“All it takes is a few to get all the kids riled up and you’ve got a couple hundred not listening and doing what they want,” the mayor said.
“We don’t want to frighten anyone,” Leonard said “We want everyone to come to Sea Isle like they’ve been coming for many many years.” Emphasizing that neither ordinance should discourage anyone from continuing to enjoy the city. Would you want this legislation put in place in your town??