Hear ye! Hear ye! Ladies and gentlemen, the prince is giving a ball and YOU’RE invited! Secure your tickets for Point Pleasant Borough High School’s spring musical, Cinderella. With this opportunity, you would be “surprised to see how many BEAUTIFUL gowns have crazy women in them!”
The show follows Cinderella, a poor girl who lost her father and is forced to live a life of mistreatment by her wicked stepmother and stepsisters. Despite the cruel treatment, Cinderella dreams of a better life for herself, and eventually, with the help of her fairy godmother, she transforms into a princess and goes to the ball to find true love with the prince. However, when the clock strikes midnight she is in for a chase! Her true love is torn from her as she is forced to return home before the magic wears off! What happens next? You’ll just have to find out!
These wonderful performers have been rehearsing since the end of January. The countdown to opening night begins as music is being memorized and dance numbers are being perfected. This amazing cast cares so much about conveying the magical story that everyone knows and loves, including our very own juniors Emily Peters and Jack Sharpe learning to waltz and trying to not step on each other’s toes!
You have from March 20th to the 23rd to see this magical show take the stage! Make sure you buy your tickets before they sell out!