Senior night is something every sport looks forward to each year. It is a night to recognize the seniors who have put a lot of time and effort into their sport. On February 5th, the Point Pleasant Borough Girls Basketball honored their eight seniors at their game against Central Regional. The girls put on a good fight and won their game. The eight seniors have been on the team all four years and put in excessive amounts of hard work and effort into the program. Here is a little bit about each senior:
First, the starting guard, Sarah Dahl. Sarah Dahl has been a four-year starter. She is a force to be reckoned with. Her aggressive defense and leadership on offense are just some of the reasons that Sarah has had a successful career. Sarah plans to attend Misericordia University next year. She is continuing her basketball career there and majoring in Physical Therapy.
Next, the starting forward, Kate Henn. Alongside Sarah, Kate has also been a four-year starter who has made a great impact on the girl’s basketball team. Kate brings a lot to the floor and is going to be continuing her basketball career. She plans to attend Susquehanna University and major in Criminal Justice. Her lasting thought that she wants the younger players to keep in mind is to enjoy the game. Henn says, “always remember why you started playing in the first place and have fun. Don’t lose sight of your joy and love for the game.”
Next, we have the starting guard, Emily Marinelli. Emily has been a key asset to the girl’s basketball team. She is a nuisance on defensive and able to finish the job on the offensive end. After high school, Emily is continuing her basketball career at Stevens Institute of Technology where she is going to major in Engineering Management. Marinelli wants to remind the underclassmen, “be thankful every day that you are healthy and able to play this sport, never take it for granted”.
Additionally, starting forward, Gabby Mellett. Gabby dominates the boards and leads the team in blocks. No one can get past her crazy blocks that make the gym go wild. Gabby plans to continue her soccer career at Rollins College while majoring in Business Management. Mellett’s lasting thought to underclassmen was to let them know that “they are always invited to the block party”.
Have no fear, the next starter is Vanessa Haas. Haas is an aggressive player. She leads the team in rebounds. She has a nasty jumper that leaves their opponents shaking. Vanessa is currently planning to continue her basketball career at Rowan University where she would major in Mechanical Engineering. However, this plan may change as she is waiting for her acceptance to the Naval Academy. Haas advises, “enjoy every moment because it all goes by too fast and never take a second for granted.”
Another key player is Holly Hernandez. Holly’s crazy fast breaks are never expected by the other teams. She catches them every time. Next year Holly plans on attending the University of Tennessee to major in Marketing. Hernandez states, “time moves fast, always try your best, and don’t take the time you have with your teammates for granted.”
Another asset to the team is Isabel Shaver. Isabel’s wild pump fake sends the other team into another dimension. Isabel plays a scrappy game and can get into the other team’s head. Isabel is currently undecided about what she wants to do next year as she continues to weigh out all of her options. Shaver wants to inform the underclassmen to “cherish the bonds you have with your teammates.”
Last but not least, Ella Sachs. Ella stands tall in the paint, waiting to dominate the boards. She is a great teammate and leader on and off the court. She is an amazing role model for underclassmen. Ella’s plans for the future are to attend New York University and major in Mechanical Engineering. Sach’s final advice is to “always give 100% effort in everything you do.”
Overall, the senior girls this year have put in all their effort to make it the best it could be for them. This is going to be a hard class to say bye to. They have played together for years and gave so much to the program. As they all go their separate ways, wish them the best of luck!