Make Kindness Week Every Week


Emma M

Drawings from the elementary school students were hung up on the lockers at PPBHS.

The week of February 17th was Random Acts of Kindness Week. Point Boro High School promoted it by putting hearts and drawings made from the elementary school students on the lockers. Student Council announced  kindness quotes over the loudspeaker, played music related to kindness, and gave a kindness challenge to say “hi” to five new people. There were even positive messages written on the bathroom mirrors. All of these things gave students the opportunity to spread kindness and inspire others to do the same. However, why do we only give kindness one week under the spotlight, when we could make every week Kindness Week? 

I try to say hi to one person I don’t know each day or hold the door open for somebody and just small things like that.

— Aidan McLaughlin, senior

Kindness is contagious. It puts people in a better mood which makes them more likely to “pay it forward.” Only one good deed has the ability to start the chain and brighten the day of dozens of people. When kindness increases so does your health. Your body produces a hormone called oxytocin which lowers your blood pressure and boosts your self esteem. You have more pleasure, happiness, and energy. It is even linked to having a longer life span, so I guess kindness doesn’t kill after all contradictory to the old statement “kill ’em with kindness!”  

It only takes a couple of seconds to do something nice for someone. We asked one student and staff member how they show kindness in their day to day life. Senior Aidan McLaughlin said, “I try to say hi to one person I don’t know each day or hold the door open for somebody and just small things like that.” Mr. Edolo, one of Boro’s best English teachers stated, “I try to make sure that most of my interactions begin or end in a positive note. I also try to praise people for doing the right thing and make them aware that it’s not about singling out the expected behavior, but that it’s always good to encourage the positive behavior.” 

When it comes to kindness, little things can make a big difference and go a long way.  Give it a try, do something kind each and every day!