Vaping can worsen Covid-19

As everyone knows, there is a pandemic occurring throughout our world right now, the Coronavirus. The Coronavirus is attacking the body in a way that is causing many people to require ventilators so they can breathe. COVID-19 is very easily spread, and a large portion of our country is suffering from the disease. But what if there was something that made the virus even worse? That’s right! Vaping. When someone juuls or smokes an e-cigarette, smoke is blown out of the device. We are told to stay six feet apart, but blowing out the smoke of a vape can travel much farther. With the smoke traveling further than six feet, it puts others at a higher risk of obtaining the Coronavirus. However, smoke traveling more than six-feet is not the only risk of vaping during this crisis. 

As you may know vaping destroys a person’s lungs making it hard to breathe, and catch their breath. This is from all the chemicals being inhaled in the body and being held in the lungs. People who vape will most likely have a harder time fighting off the virus because their lungs are already so weak. The virus can then more easily attack the body. According to MassGeneral, people who vape are more likely to be placed in the intensive care units if acquiring COVID-19, because their immune systems are already frail. 

However, there is a way to immediately decrease how severe the virus can impact your body. The answer is to quit vaping altogether, as this can help shrink the extreme effects of the Coronavirus. There will be instant results when you stop vaping such as breathing better and coughing less. Vaping during the Coronavirus is not only putting yourself at risk, but putting others at risk as well. For the sake of yourself and everyone around you, put the vape down and quit.