Senior Send Off 2021


Mrs. Manser

Senior staff members Chandler J., Natalya B., Nicholas T., and Zachary M. (not pictured, Rachel S.)

As the 2020-2021 school year comes to an end, we at The Point Press would like to take a moment to congratulate our senior staff members on graduation and wish them all good luck post-graduation and beyond!

Nicholas T. – I remember four years ago being told to “enjoy high school while it lasts, because it goes fast”. The last four years have been filled with great friends and memories. The last few months have made me genuinely appreciate the time I have spent with teammates, friends, and family. The Boro has shaped me into the man I am today, I look forward to returning one day, and reflecting on my time here. Although my time has come to an end, I will never forget the friendships and memories I made. 

Natalya B. – In 5th grade I said, “ I can’t wait to be in middle school!” Then in 8th grade I couldn’t wait to be in High School. Well the four years flew by and most of the time I was itching for this moment – Graduation Day – when I could “move on up” and become an individual outside of this town and meet new people with all sorts of backgrounds and life experiences. Now, I am just grateful for growing up in a safe town and having the opportunity to be educated by amazing teachers that have made such an impact on my life. 

Rachel S. – I’ve been so pumped for college that I am literally in denial about high school being almost over. It went by so fast! I can still remember how anxious and jittery I felt on my first day of freshman year at PPBHS and sometimes, I wish I could experience that feeling again, live in that exact moment again. That only lives in my memory now, and one day it will become a faint picture, which is just so depressing. Hopefully all of the memories I made, the fun times I had, and all of the people who changed my life at this high school never fade. Despite all of the hardships, what with AP classes, hours spent doing homework, and especially Covid, I pushed through. I made it, we all made it, and we should be beyond proud of ourselves for reaching such a great achievement and huge milestone as graduating from high school!

Zach M. – Peace out.