

The Armageddon Beef Jerky Challenge had to be one the most grueling spice challenges that I have attempted. The heat of the beef jerky might not have been as bad as the heat of the world’s hottest chip, but the lingering burn of the jerky was far worse than anything I have had before. This is the step by step on how I beat the Armageddon spice challenge. 

The challenge started off pretty easy with the heat not hitting right away but about 30 seconds later, I was regretting the choice to eat it. The heat all set in at once and had me tearing up while I tried to contain myself and not drink anything. By the time a minute and a half hit, I couldn’t take it any longer. I rushed to the bathroom and started rinsing my mouth out with water and just stood over the toilet for 10 minutes making sure I didn’t throw up. I then made the one crucial mistake of not having any dairy, which is the worst mistake I could have made.

Sure in the short term it didn’t hurt me when my mouth stopped burning, but my stomach was in excruciating pain because it felt like it was practically melting. At first, I didn’t realize that dairy would be the answer to my pain, so my stomach would continue to burn for 3+hours.The car ride home was a different story. While it was only about a 2 minute drive home, I kept having to tell my friend to pull over because the pain was unbearable in the position I was sitting in. When I got home I then drank 2 chocolate milks from Wawa and that seemed to do the trick. I felt like a new man after that and felt perfectly fine the next day. 

I would highly recommend this challenge to anyone who is up for the heat of it because it was honestly a really funny experience, just don’t forget the milk!